GyeGye Is A Re-Imagining Of Everything In Commerce. As a public benefit corporation pursuing B-Corp Certification, we're taking a new path. GyeGye isn’t just a company, it’s a dream for a better future

GyeGye Is A Re-Imagining Of Everything In Commerce. As a public benefit corporation pursuing B-Corp Certification, we're taking a new path. GyeGye isn’t just a company, it’s a dream for a better future

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Sign up for the latest development and updates from GyeGye.

Our Philosophy

GyeGye isn’t just a company, it’s a dream for a better future
Generating growth by joining forces with many groups of people with diverse hands colors
We welcome you to join our vision for what commerce should be.

GyeGye is for you, GyeGye is by you, GyeGye is where you belong.

Why This matters

NOW is the time to do things DIFFERENTLY. Not just for ourselves, but for those who came before and those who’ll come long after we’re gone.

“The impacts of climate change that we are feeling today, from extreme heat to flooding to severe storms, are expected to get worse, and people least able to prepare and cope are disproportionately exposed,”
EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan

This report punctuates the urgency of equitable action on climate change…”

Total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by economic sector in 2020
Total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by economic sector in 2020
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2022).
Inventory of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions and sinks: 1990-2020